

ASBMB Active Site

The is a community platform that brings scientists together to catalyze discussion and accelerate discovery.

Here are a few of the communities on the Active Site: 

  • Interest groups: In addition to special sessions and events at the ASBMB Annual Meeting, each interest group has a virtual community platform on the Active Site to keep the conversation going year-round. You can join an interest group here.
  • Open forum groups: Members can engage in discussions related to , and . We also have an open forum where we’ll be posting and ways to engage with the ASBMB, as well as a where you can share anything of interest to the broader membership.
  • Member-created groups: If you don’t see a community that fits your needs, you can create one. Just hit the button that says “Create a new group” or reach out to the membership department.

How to use the ASBMB Active Site

Logging in

using the same login you use for the ASBMB website.

Setting up your profile

This is your primary profile, where you can share any information about yourself you'd like to your fellow community members.  Profiles are customizable, so what you see may be different, but generally you can:

  • Upload a profile picture
  • Provide your contact details, including your social networks
  • Write a personal bio
  • List your education history
  • Provide your job history

Joining communities

While some communities are open to all ASBMB members and only require you to be logged in to join, others require administrative approval. In cases where approval is required, you can click the “Request to join” button.


Once you join a community, you can respond to questions and posts and start discussions. Anonymous posting is allowed (posting as “Anonymous” dissociates your name from the post but no electronic communication is completely untraceable.

To post a message online, navigate to a community and:

  1. Click the Discussion tab.
  2. Click Post New Message.

You can also navigate to the “Create” tab next to your profile image in the upper right corner and select “Discussion Thread.”

Library entries

Libraries are a space for members of a community to upload and share files.

To post a library entry, navigate to a community and:

  1. Click the Library tab.
  2. Click Create Entry.

You can also navigate to the “Create” tab next to your profile image in the upper right corner and select “Library Entry.”

Searching the directory

You can search for other ASBMB members who are using the platform in the directory and connect with them.

Direct messages

If you want to reach out to one person specifically or don’t want your message displayed publicly, you can send a direct message to an individual ASBMB member. (Not all ASBMB members are users of the ASBMB Active Site. Search the main to find alternative ways to contact members who are not on the platform.)

ASBMB Active Site image