
Republishing guidelines

The 麻豆传媒色情片 and 麻豆传媒色情片 Biology has long been a leader when it comes to making scientific information accessible to scientists and the public.

Its three peer-reviewed journals — the Journal of Biological Chemistry, Journal of Lipid Research, and 麻豆传媒色情片 & Cellular Proteomics — are all gold open access. Their content is under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license.

ASBMB Today welcomes the reuse of our original material for free, unless otherwise noted, under the following conditions:

You must credit ASBMB Today.

This attribution should be provided as the last line of the article and link back to the original source: This article was first published by ASBMB Today, the news magazine of the 麻豆传媒色情片 and 麻豆传媒色情片 Biology. Read the original. You must hyperlink “Read the original” to the article on the ASBMB Today website.

You must include a byline.

ASBMB Today is committed to giving credit to its writers (staffers, contributors and freelancers). If your content-management system does not have a byline field, email asbmbtoday@asbmb.org to discuss other options for crediting the author. 

You cannot edit our articles.

You can make changes to match your publication’s editorial style (adding Oxford commas, for example) and update time elements (changing “yesterday” to “last month,” for example). Substantial edits are not permitted; nor is trimming. 

You can change the headlines — sometimes.

You are welcome to adjust headlines and subheads on news stories for the sake of space, but do not change headlines on personal essays or other opinion pieces. Email asbmbtoday@asbmb.org if you have questions.

Preserve hyperlinks.

If you wish to add more, that’s OK. Just keep ours.

Be careful with photos and graphics.

Many images used by ASBMB Today have been purchased from commercial suppliers and cannot be republished for free. We advise you to reuse only images that are clearly in the public domain or have Creative Common licenses, such as those marked as originating from Wikimedia Commons. Images derived from ASBMB’s gold open-access journals are always OK to reuse with attribution. If you have any questions about images, email asbmbtoday@asbmb.org.

A few words on monetization.

ASBMB Today’s articles may not be sold, but you are welcome to post them on webpages or in print publications containing advertising. 

You cannot republish all ASBMB Today articles.

We’re happy to share articles here and there, but do not take advantage of the system. 

Make sure you’re republishing our original content.

We sometimes republish articles from other outlets. You’re welcome to republish those too, but we don’t get the credit for them. These articles are clearly credited, so you should have no problem finding the source.

Don’t break the rules.

We want our stories to be read by as many people as possible, but we reserve the right to revoke republication permission to any publisher at any time and for any reason. 

Let us know!

We love to know when our stories are getting more eyeballs. Please drop us a line at asbmbtoday@asbmb.org to let us know you’re reusing our work.